Sanitation & Recycling
The Village of Murray contracts with Papillion Sanitation for residential solid waste collection and recycling. All residences within the community are required to have garbage and recycling collection. Businesses must make their own arrangements for trash pickup and recycling.
Included with each residential pickup charge is one black trash cart and one green recycling cart. Additional trash carts are available for a fee. Contact the Clerk's Office at 402-235-2119.
Currently, Murray's trash collection day is each Monday. Carts need to be placed at curbside by 6:00 am. All trash and debris for pickup must be placed INSIDE the black trash cart. Any items on the ground NEAR the cart will NOT be picked up. Please remember to remove your cans off of the street by the following day.
If your trash is not picked up within a reasonable amount of time on Mondays, Papillion Sanitation requests that you contact them directly at 402-346-7800.
Contact Info
Papillion Sanitation
Trash/Recycling Company
10810 S 144th Street
Omaha, NE
Visit Website

Papillion Sanitation