To serve you better, we've assembled a list of our residents' most frequently asked questions. If you don't find your answer here, feel free to contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Planning & Zoning

When do I need a building permit?

A building permit is required for any structural construction of a new or additional nature, such as a new fence, addition to your house, detached garage, or outbuilding.  A permit is not required if you are repairing an existing fence with the same size, material, and location of the existing fence, or if you are replacing your home's existing roof, siding, or windows with no change to the structure.  Also remember, if you are digging anywhere, you are required to call 811 to request location of ground service wires and pipes.  For more info, call 402-235-2119.


When is the Clerk's Office open?

The business hours of the Clerk's Office at the Murray Municpal Building are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, typically closed between 12:00 and 12:30 pm for lunch.  Outside of office hours, leave voicemail at 402-235-2119 or email murrayclerk@murrayvillage.com.

Code Enforcement

How do I make a general complaint?

A complaint may be made by completing a written complaint form obtained through the Clerk's Office.  Complaints must be complete and detailed in writing and must be signed by the complainant.  The written complaint will then be submitted to the Chairman and Board of Trustees for review.

Financial Reports & Budgets

When is the annual budget hearing?

The annual budget hearing is normally held at the beginning of the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees, on the 2nd Tuesday in the month of September each year.

Board of Trustees

How can I get my issue on the agenda?

Any resident who would like to bring a matter of concern to the Murray Board of Trustees must complete and submit a Request For Future Agenda Item Form.  The completed form will be submitted to the Chairperson for review.  The requestor will be notified of the date and time of the meeting when the matter will be discussed.  Not all matters will be placed on the agenda.  Every effort will be made to satisfy the concern outside of the public meeting by the Chairperson or Commissioner.  If the matter is placed on the agenda, the requestor must attend the meeting and present their concern to the Trustees.  For more information or questions, contact the Village Clerk at 402-235-2119 or email murrayclerk@murrayvillage.com


Animal Services

What is the deadline to license my dog?

Dogs must be licensed with the village by May 1st of each year.

Am I allowed to have chickens on my property?

Ordinance #94.07 allows for only ten (10) or fewer female chickens to be maintained within the corporate limits of the village upon approval by the Board of Trustees.  No roosters, ducks, turkeys, geese, or any other fowl are permitted.  Contact the Clerk's Office at 402-235-2119 to request the permitting procedure to have chickens on your property. 

Brush Pile

What hours is the Brush Pile open?

The Brush Pile is open 24 hours and is continually monitored for compliance to the rule of dumping ONLY trees, brush and yard waste.

How do I apply for a residential burn permit?

Burn Permits are issued by the Murray Volunteer Fire & Rescue Department.  To request a burn permit, contact Chief Joe Spicciati at 701-721-0013 or Asst. Chief Steve Van Gorp at 402-297-6799, or email murrayvfdchiefs@gmail.com


Tyson Park

Is there a fee for using the picnic shelters?

No. Picnic shelters in both Murray Parks are free to use and are on a first-come first-served basis with no reservation required.

Young Park

Is there a fee for using the picnic shelters?

No. Picnic shelters in both Murray Parks are free to use and are on a first-come first-served basis with no reservation required.