Mobile Food Trucks Permit

Any person, company, or organization who wishes to do business with the residents of Murray utilizing a mobile food truck or trailer shall register with the Village Clerk and obtain a permit prior to conducting business within the village.  The cost of the Mobile Food Truck Permit is $25.00 per day.  Any food truck or trailer vendor who is not able to show proof of permit may be subject to penalty.  For more information or questions, contact the Village Clerk at 402-235-2119 or email  (Murray Village Code of Ordinances # 111.01 and Nebraska Rev. Statute 17-207)

It is the responsiblity of the Murray Board of Trustees to ensure that all health the safety measures are adhered to for the protection of Murray and its citizens. The required permitting process assists in the verification and assurance that vendors or retailers doing business in our community are following local, county, and state health and safety guidelines as prescribed by law.