Board of Trustees
The Village of Murray Board of Trustees acts as the legislative branch of our village government, as well as serving as the policy-making body. The Board of Trustees looks at our community's goals, major projects, and infrastructure improvements; ranging from community growth to land use to finances and strategic planning. The goal of the Trustees is to do the very best to represent the constituents after addressing the needs of the community as a whole.
The five-member Board of Trustees meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 pm. Meetings are open to the public, and an agenda is kept continuously current and is available at the Clerk's Office.
Members of the community who would like to present an agenda item for the Board's consideration can do so by contacting one of the five Trustees listed below or by submitting a request in writing at the Clerk's Office.
Contact Info
Jeff Anderson
George Blessing
Trustee, Sewer Commissioner
Stan Flak
Trustee, Water Commissioner
Zachary Schroeder
Trustee, Parks Commissioner
Lea Bartlett
Trustee, Streets Commissioner
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I get my issue on the agenda?
Any resident who would like to bring a matter of concern to the Murray Board of Trustees must complete and submit a Request For Future Agenda Item Form. The completed form will be submitted to the Chairperson for review. The requestor will be notified of the date and time of the meeting when the matter will be discussed. Not all matters will be placed on the agenda. Every effort will be made to satisfy the concern outside of the public meeting by the Chairperson or Commissioner. If the matter is placed on the agenda, the requestor must attend the meeting and present their concern to the Trustees. For more information or questions, contact the Village Clerk at 402-235-2119 or email