Planning & Zoning

The Planning & Zoning Commission reviews building permit applications, proposed amendments to zoning ordinances, site plans and plat applications, and also makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding the current and future development of the Village of Murray.  

The Murray Planning Commission will review all building permit applications for construction projects within the village limits and within the one-mile Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (1-mile ETJ) outside the village limits.

Prior to beginning a construction project:

  • Submit Building Permit Application to Clerk’s Office with fee
  • Attend monthly Planning Commission Meeting where your application will be reviewed
  • Planning Commission will make recommendation to the Board of Trustees
  • Upon approval by the Board of Trustees, a permit will be issued
  • Take approved Murray Permit to Cass County Zoning who will perform all inspections

Building Permit application forms can be obtained at the Clerk’s Office or by the link below. 

Questions?  402-235-2119

Planning Commission Members:

Robert Hayes, Chairman

Linda Brouhard, Secretary

Angel Woodard, Member

Heath Marrinan, Member

Leigh Hellbusch, Member


a blueprint

Planning and Zoning

Frequently Asked Questions

When do I need a building permit?

A building permit is required for any structural construction of a new or additional nature, such as a new fence, addition to your house, detached garage, or outbuilding.  A permit is not required if you are repairing an existing fence with the same size, material, and location of the existing fence, or if you are replacing your home's existing roof, siding, or windows with no change to the structure.  Also remember, if you are digging anywhere, you are required to call 811 to request location of ground service wires and pipes.  For more info, call 402-235-2119.